Have you ever wondered that, if all the energy around us and the energies of our thoughts, feelings, and words create our reality and are the energy system of our body, our chakra, our energy field what role does it play in conscious creation?
If communication and creation begin at an ... Views: 2752
Dear friend!
I cannot say how much I like high vibration words!
I like how they ring in my ears, I love the feeling that they are creating, I like to taste them, and love how they raise my life to higher frequencies in all areas.
I love you.
I'm sorry.
Please forgive ... Views: 3486
We become awakened women when we clearly recognize our values and live our days with higher spiritual awareness.
We feed our relationships, members of our family, build our businesses, do our job from this consciousness.
I think that awakening does not mean raising awareness of our ... Views: 1672
Gréti is an albino corn snake. My son received her as a gift two years ago.
Because we really love animals, Gréti became a family member.
Calm, silent animal who gives us profound learnings.
In the days I had the pleasure to watch her shed. I saw how she slowly deliberately came out of ... Views: 1401
How do you use the Law of Attraction in your life?
How do you manifest your dreams?
My grandmother loved books. She had interesting books lined up on her bookcase, and I was attracted to something fantastic. She used to say:
"You know, girl, books are valuable stuff. There is at ... Views: 1795
If you wish to achieve abundance necessary to keep your energy clean, you need to keep balance in your chakras.
The radiated energy determines the quality of the results.
How can you enjoy pleasant experiences and create angelic abundance in your life if your energy field is dirty with ... Views: 2578
When you read a lot about it and apply the information to your life regularly and consistently, it will give you wings - of freedom, limitlessness, joy, and realization.
You will become more conscious and independent.
You will feel that life is simpler.
You will feel that you can easily ... Views: 2621
7 years ago we were on a family trip. My son was 12. We saw a container where bees were with a rape ground.
My son said: Universe, please give me a family of bees.
Then he explained why it would be good if there were bees.
He painted all the benefits of bee breeding.
Do you know what ... Views: 2124
I am very happy and thankful for the fact that you can get your hands on the 2017 Inspirational Almanac.
I am grateful because its birth was accompanied by miracles led by Angels.
Here’s the story behind the scenes of the Datebook.
The idea of the Almanac ... Views: 1527
Stop for a moment and look around in the world! Pay attention to the teens’ lives around you, inspect them thoroughly! What do you experience? Are they healthy, happy? Are they full of momentum, energy, dreams waiting to be fulfilled and set goals? Or do they just live a teen’s everyday life and ... Views: 1403
2014 was a fate changing year for me. Thanks to various reasons I reached a low point, where one would think I can’t get up.I did it anyway. One day while I was sitting in my herbal garden I tried to calm my chaotic thoughts, I started meditating and I suddenly had access to an effective ... Views: 2034
Vibrations define and form out lives. Everything, whatever happens, whatever we
think and feel affects us and forms our future and our health. It helps or prevents
in achieving our goals.
Our greatest donation is that we are able to affect these vibrations and the
frequency of our thoughts. ... Views: 1473
What is the Hypnotic MLM?
Have you ever think about the success? Have you found this reason what is stand behind the Progression? How the process is happen and what is the background? Everyone can be successful or it is a privilege?
I gotta tell you, the Success is not privilege. This is ... Views: 1861
I discovered a simple method, tip, what helps began journey into Prosperity Consciousness.
This called: Give Away A Dollar A day, created by Todd Silva.
Give away money.
Give away money-everyday.
Give and you will get...
The Natural's Laws working...
The Universe helps to you make ... Views: 1566
What is the Green Candle Magic?
I wrote a book 6 years ago. It published in Hungary. I called: Spirituality in Business - How to manifest the First Million?
I created the Green Candle Magic, what is helps satying the focus on your goals and grows your belief in your business and your ... Views: 1601
Who are You? Do you know yourself? Do you know your personality?
Please stand in front of the Mirror. Look at Yourself...
Who is in the Mirror? You are. What is this picture? What you see is reality?
Do you smile? Are you satisfied? Are you happy or are you bored, dissatisfied,sad?
This ... Views: 1556
I wrote a book 6 years ago. It published in Hungary: Spirituality in business - How to Manifest the First Million?
Seven Parts of Book:
- What is Your Goals?
- Grow Your Self- Confidence!
- Plan Your Next Year!
- Step- By-Step towards Your First Million
- Blocks in Your Mind
- The One ... Views: 1678
Where are you, now?
What do you do, now?
Who are you?
What is your Big Dream?
Questions, Questions, and Questions...
The answers are in You. The answers are in your Heart and your Subconscious mind.
Always, you answer, your Soul opens them door to the World.
Your answers are ... Views: 1553
What is the Virtual Mastermind?
Did you ever heard the Quantum Jumping? I found 6 month ago, but before I already use the Virtual Mastermind. My Virtual Mastermind similar to the Quantum Jumping.
This process is very simple and effective. You are on the Meditative State and disscuss your ... Views: 1564
Did you remember the Love Meditation?
What's the effects of Love Meditation?
- grows your inner peace
- improves your self-awareness
- calms
- develops into your personality
- opens your Heart to the Gratitude and Love
- manifests your dream
- clears your emotions and thoughts
When ... Views: 1767
That’s right! You have got a dream.
For Example:
- You would like to buy a house.
- Your Big Dream is a happy and fullfilled Love.
- You regularly dreaming a perfect job.
- You would like to become better parent. etc.
OK. and WHY?
Why do you want another house?
What you gain another ... Views: 1522
What is the Self-Awareness?
„Self-awareness is the capacity for introspection and the ability to recognize oneself as an individual separate from the environment and other individuals. It is not to be confused with consciousness. While consciousness is being aware of one’s environment and body, ... Views: 1367
I think the Law of Attraction is very simple, but effective natural's law. I believe in...
How can you use this power of law?
Dream it! Plan it! Visualize! Be positive! Ask and receive! Learn about the Life! Learn about the Natural Laws!
Yesterday, I was on the Joe Vitale and Natalie ... Views: 1694
Are you believe in the Love?
Are you believe in the Forgiveness?
I believe in...
"Where there is love, there is life." - said Mahatma Gandhi.
The Life lives in the Love.
The Love lives in the life.
The Love has got High frequency. The Life needs High frequency.
When you say: I ... Views: 1422
Have you got a Big Dream?
Have you got any vision of your Future?
Would you like to make more money?
Would you like to live a Better Future?
Are you ready?
Come on!
Today's date is January 30, 2016.
You are happy, and satisfied. This is the Perfect Day!
Close your eyes, and ... Views: 1789
Would you like to have a Manifesting- Dream- Formula?
I think, this exercise is very effective and powerful.
Try it!
Before going to sleep, relax!
Think of your day! What was your day? How did you felt? What happened? What did you do? Who did you meet? etc.
Choose a nice ... Views: 1591
Wow!Manifestation on the Corporate meeting.
Did you ever heard The Transformational Abundance Cards?
I use regularly in my work.
Today, I held a Corporate Training and I used these Coaching tools.
At first we used the Tell me - card, what The attention directed toward a positive ... Views: 2219
I love the Dawn,then Silence is great.
I hear the Voice of Universe, easier.
I feel plesantly...
I get force in these moments.
I'm revolving.
Think about all.
I become open The God , and I become open myself.
I understand The Creation.
I create my dreams.
The early moment ... Views: 1596
Successful peoples and the passion
Successful peoples see the goals in the morning, and evening. Everyday. They focus this during the day.
It gives stength, it carries forward.
Succesful peoples know this.
They live with the power of goals, use in active.
They will become another person, ... Views: 1556
I am Grateful for…
I am Grateful for my Life, because my Life is perfect. I have everything what I need. I am happy and satisfied. My dreams come true every moment…
The gratitude is a high frequency emotion and word. When you are grateful for something, your heart opens the door to the ... Views: 1642
Did you ever thought, what is your mind?
Which is your dominant thoughts?
Our emotions tell us what we are thinking at the moment.
Emotion is the twin brother of Thought.
The Manifesting is very simple process.
This process depends on your thoughts and emotions.
What do you think, ... Views: 1558
I believe every moment of our lives are blessing. The miracles are not a privilege, everyone gets it. Such as the abundance. We must create and adopt. We must learn to live in the prosperity.
I belive the miracles not be held for the three days. Eternal, timeless and ever. Surround us.
... Views: 1751
I LOVE YOU - this sentence is very powerful...
The Love Meditation opens the door to the Miracle.
This is the one parts of Teraxlation method.
Try it!
Please, close your eyes and take a nice deep breath. Breath in, and breath out slowly…Relax…Every deep inhalation opens the way for the ... Views: 1449
I regularly use this Package my practitioner. My cliens like this method, because this is very simple and joyful.
The ideal group to use the cards is between 4-12 people. To play with these cards a person should be at least 14 years of age. )It can be used anywhere even as diverse places such ... Views: 1557
Have you got a dream?
Have you got any ideas or goals?
Do you have a Boots- list?
Dreaming of your life, or experienced in your life?
Are you Active or passive dreamer?
What do you think, it is easier for the child who found a Genie?
Yes. Simplify. It's easier. Effective.
Alive. More ... Views: 1544
Teraxlation is a Manifest method, Manifest Ralaxation.
This includes the energy and chakras healing, releasing the emotional blocks, transbreathing and hypnotherapy. This is very simple method, but it’s very powerful and effective.
Have you got a dream? Would you like your dream comes true? ... Views: 2294