The subconscious mind is the part of the human mind that handles lots of mental processes without the awareness of the individual involved. It’s also known as the unconscious mind. What goes on in that part of the mind can go a long way to influencing the conscious mind, thoughts, actions and ... Views: 1821
Mind illusions are largely based on optical illusions. These refer to images that are perceived visually yet the perception by the individual is different from the objective reality. The data that the brain puts together processes something that does not correspond with the actual physicality of ... Views: 1173
Although it may seem like you have an enormous task ahead of you when you are contemplating on employing the services of a mental health therapist, the truth is it can be a simple process. What you need to keep in mind when selecting a person who treats mental is that the person you choose ... Views: 715
The term subliminal messages refer to the messages that are relayed to the subconscious by bypassing the conscious mind. This information tends to be displayed in a fraction of time. Thus, you do not register the message consciously. By avoiding the conscious mind, it does not give the brain a ... Views: 1519
Subliminal hypnosis is a method of inducing someone to respond to questions and suggestions through the use of a subliminal image. The hypnotist can use the process to prompt the individual involved to do things he or she was unable to do before in real life.
In the field of hypnotherapy, ... Views: 8819
Subliminal perception simply refers to your ability to absorb the messages contained in subliminal CDs, DVDs or images. It also refers to how much you are able to grab from such resources. In most cases, subliminal perception occurs when you are not even aware of it. Your subconscious mind ... Views: 1167
Successful mind transformation can be achieved through the use of subliminal images. These are usually in form of diverse images that are loaded with vital messages which make lasting impressions on your unconscious mind without your awareness. Before too long, the images will also begin to ... Views: 1903
Brain gym tricks refer to various strategies one can engage in challenging the brain for maximum performance. It is technically refers to a unique program that is aimed at enhancing the various processes going on in the human brain. This typical program has about 26 different activities ... Views: 3141
A sound mental health system is very vital for success in life. If your mind is troubled or suffering from ill health, there’s no way you can make any headway in life. However, you can always seek the help of a mental health therapist in order to deal with issues disturbing your mind anytime ... Views: 744
Mind map refers to a graphic illustration or diagram that represents ideas, words or tasks which are linked and connected to a central idea or keyword. One can use them to distinguish ideas or words with symbols or colors. In most cases, the ideas or words represented in this kind ... Views: 792
Achieving a sound mental health is one of the keys to a life of success. Mental health refers to a state of total well-being whereby a person realizes his or her own abilities; a state where you can handle the stresses of life and also work productively to achieve set goals in life. It also ... Views: 1867
The human brain is a bundle of tissues interwoven together in an awesome manner. The brain is capable of achieving a lot when properly energized and activated. The brainwave patterns in your brain can actually predict your success when properly activated.
But come to think of it! What are ... Views: 1032
The human mind can get to greater heights when energized through the right means. You can actually achieve great wealth and success when you succeed in stretching your mind beyond limits. You can easily learn how to trick the mind into attracting huge success and wealth by taking a look at the ... Views: 2339
Have you ever desired to boost your brain power? You really need to be aware of the fact that there are various processes you can engage in achieving the aim. You really need to work it out. You can make use of brainwave entrainment in boosting your brain power to greater heights.
By ... Views: 1223
The mind can achieve a lot when properly developed and utilized. It’s the seat of thought and memory in human beings. It has a greater power to take someone to greater heights when properly engaged. Making use of the mind power is very vital for success in life. The mind mainly reflects ... Views: 2574
Mind control technically refers to the ability of using unethical methods in controlling or manipulating the wishes of another person. The manipulation may or may not be to the detriment of the person being controlled. However, mind control is not limited to above definition. One can also ... Views: 3064
The term, “emotional Intelligence” refers to the ability to asses, identify and control your emotions or that of others or groups. The process can be acquired through learning although it can also be in born in some individuals. You can actually use emotional intelligence to get ahead in life ... Views: 1406
Have you ever aspired for something but you do not know how to get it or acquire it? Most of us think about our dreams in life and how to achieve it. However, taking the first step towards achieving our dream is a big issue for us. This is where we need to have a positive affirmation to attain ... Views: 728
A mind map is a diagram that would act as a representative of your thoughts and ideas linked together to make a whole structure. It will help you visualize a complex situation from a specific point of view and help you to come with concrete solutions to the problems. All the issues specified ... Views: 1581
It is a well known fact that your mind or brain is the best weapon you have to facing any of life’s problems. This is because the brain is thought out to be the central power aspect of both your body and soul. The subconscious implications are one of the most effective and easiest ways to ... Views: 1194
Question on everyone’s mind probably is, what are subliminal advertisements? Well, subliminal ads are simply those announcements that are flashed in a second just to get an audience’s attention when one is fully concentrating on a completely different thing. Such messages work through bringing ... Views: 1270
The hypnosis tape and brainwave entrainment technology are unique resources that can be used to reprogram the human mind for better self improvement and greater success in life. However, there has been a controversy concerning which of the two resources is more effective when used for the right ... Views: 942
An erotic mind is usually focused on thinking about sexual desires. Such a mind is utterly in an unhealthy state. If you’re having an erotic mind, you’ll always be thinking of getting aroused sexually. You may even find yourself getting involved in all kinds of unhealthy sexual fantasies. ... Views: 2403
Brain waves and learning are associated due to the fact that the frequency of this music stimulates the theta brain wave state which is responsible for intelligence. This is predominantly present in children below the age of six. This is the reason why they tend to learn faster than older ... Views: 668
Brainwave Entrainment is scientifically proven to help influence the action of the brain and thus achieving a state of relaxation and happiness. This is achievable through enhancing the power of the brain to achieve the required state of mind that is neither stressful nor depressing.
You ... Views: 1189
Theory of mind is the ability of one person to understand another mind and able to see directly what is happening in another mind through the way they relate. We can only understand one another through the help of communication to another. This is possible when you understand the same language ... Views: 730
Many people are prone to marveling whether emotions and brainwaves have a relationship with each other. The answer to this is yes! This is because the brain is the central point for all the emotional communication with the body. It is the main producer of most of the current in the basic neural ... Views: 5762
Alpha brain waves are set to the brain using the documented frequency ranging from around 8 to 12 Hz. This was discovered in 1908 by a researcher from Australian psychiatrist. This is when he found out that the brainwaves cycled at this rate per second. Alpha in Greek means first since it was ... Views: 1016
Hypnosis can be used to treat and bring about certain desired results from the mind which then is translated into the human body. This is because the body acts as the brain requires or instructs it to. If the right information is put into the mind through hypnotherapy, then the human body ... Views: 609
Self empowerment refers to the action one takes in order to move from on step to other step which is more or less better than the original state. This is done with the aim of improving oneself and moving to higher standards in life. One the factor to consider in self empowerment is, living in ... Views: 576
No one can deny the fact that the human mind is the most powerful and magnificent thing in the adverse universe. Therefore, the mere power of subconscious mind should never be ignored. Despite what a person does or says, all start off from the mind. Sometimes, your actions may be manifested in ... Views: 2541
There are many things around us that make life out of the ordinary. It is important that above everything, you should put your own life first. This is because, even with all the material possessions you might be having right now, but still without a healthy body, life will not be fascinating. In ... Views: 531
Most people are quite skeptical that a small file less than 3 megabytes can affect a total change on their entire life. Subliminal technology has a very good track record of affecting positive lifestyle change; this fact is proved by millions of people around the globe who’ve engage subliminal ... Views: 895
All functions of the body are manifested and born in the mind. It is the mind that takes in information through the ears, eyes and every other sensory organ and then puts those thoughts or ideas into action that the body makes. So, one way one can control their body and mind is by filtering the ... Views: 1173
Sound that is in the form of pleasant rhythms like music has been used by many people from ages ago for different reasons. It has been used for entertainment, praising and also providing a healing feeling and sense of relaxation. One example on how people use sound to help them healed is the ... Views: 1779
Hypnosis is a condition that the mind is put into that is characterized by subduing the conscious mind and giving idea or feeding the subconscious mind with information and suggestions. This process can involve also use of certain equipment that is used to manipulate certain brainwaves in the ... Views: 489
Hypnosis is a mental state of hyper-suggestibility where the conscious mind is dissociated from the subconscious mind. During this state of hypnosis the patient’s mind is in a relaxation mood where the conscious mind is subdued and the subconscious mind is open to receive suggestions and easily ... Views: 801
The mind is a powerful tool that if well natured and stimulated it can help one improve their self in many ways like health and even psychological. The brain is made up of very many parts called neurons that transmit electricity as their way of communication between each other. This means that ... Views: 749
Majority of people around all have been trying endlessly to come up with the best known remedy to weight gain. Weight loss has been a subject of concern for the thousands of people and there has evolved numerous techniques. Most of these methods work well with some people and the same method has ... Views: 641
Positive affirmations have been proven to be very effectual and the best way of helping oneself. This is one way of upgrading yourself to higher levels. Subliminal messages highly contribute to the development of the subconscious mind. Subliminal audio messages are recorded affirmations which ... Views: 723
When it comes to subliminal messages, it affects how mind works. It mainly affects our subconscious mind in many cases. Pictures drawn can affect our mind fully and most adverts made are put in picture form because the people are aware on the effects it could play in your mind. They can affect ... Views: 4720
Self hypnosis is the practicing of hypnosis on your own by yourself. Hypnosis itself is a mental state where a subject’s subconscious mind is dissociated from the conscious mind in an effort to reprogramme or heal a certain mental condition. During this state of mind, the patient or subject is ... Views: 9905
Hypnosis is a state of the mind that is induced by a process composed of a series of instructions, the process is known as hypnotic induction. During this time, the patient undergoing this process is at the control of the person administering it. First of all, even with professionals who have ... Views: 1530
The subconscious mind is the part of the brain that stores most of the thoughts and may be fantasies we have. When the conscious mind is acquainted with new information, it somehow transfers the same to the subconscious mind and when you are not alert the subconscious mind takes over but that ... Views: 717
The human brain is a very important organ for overall function of the body. It is comprised of different parts that all do different jobs but entirely the brain is made up of brain cells known as Neurons which are in their billions. These brain cells are always in constant communication with ... Views: 725
Brain waves patterns are minute electrical signals emitted as electrochemical connections. The activity can be measured in Hertz and the signals are so weak though they are measured by a device called electroencephalograph or E.E.G.
Human brain is constantly thinking even when asleep and to ... Views: 722
Does hypnosis work? The straight forward answer to this very query that has crossed great and small minds alike is a definite a fifty-fifty probability; since whatever the mind believes and perceives does become a reality. Meaning that what may work for one may not necessarily work for the ... Views: 957
Brainwave entrainment and seems to be the new buzz words is in the self-improvement area. The brain being a mysterious place, the wisdom put together of scientists through the ages have been able to unravel only 10 to 15 percent of the brain’s power. Before we really get started out on the ... Views: 923
The power of the brain is deeply embedded in the unconscious mind. It is for this reason then that a very large percentage of the world’s population is yet to discover the massive power. Those who have mastered the art can readily affirm its potential. Surprisingly, no one has ever established ... Views: 852
It is rare that you may find someone or persons who have achieved tremendous success in life without normal state of mind. With all said and done, proper mindset is crucial to any meaningful achievement. All the success stories allude to the utilization of mind control tricks; will in turn bear ... Views: 2269