We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Meditation". If you have expertise in Meditation and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Mindfulness is a powerful tool that can be used to help us live peacefully and experience the joy that exists right now in this moment. Additionally, mindfulness is a free practice that we can start immediately. The following exercises are quick, easy, and simple ways to help us reconnect with ... Views: 1125
Many might find it shocking that meditation can be used to boost confidence. The truth is that meditation can be used to strengthen any emotion or skill.
When you meditate, you bring a great amount of awareness into your mind. In the moment of meditation you hold the power to decide exactly ... Views: 1015
If you’re experiencing states such as frustration, aggravation, or disappointment in life – this is a clear sign that you’re anchoring and attracting the type of reality you don’t want.
The key to solving this issue involves raising your consciousness in the following way:
How do we anchor ... Views: 1320
We are often told that we "should" meditate. But who has the time to sit still for an hour every day? As a parent of a nearly 2 year old boy, I know it's almost impossible to do that in my daily life. Have you been beating yourself up for not meditating? You can bring in some time of spiritual ... Views: 1219
I get the question all the time, "How do I fit a daily meditation into my day? I'm stressed out trying to add one more thing to my life and fit it in and then when I fail to do so I feel defeated and give up. My response is, "Don't make it a production."
Start with a 3-5 minute breathing ... Views: 1527
Staggering amount of information can be found on the internet regarding meditation – a subject that is as vast and deep as the space itself. Most of the information caters to the requirement of glorifying the subject and sheds little light on some ‘not so bright’ aspects.
From time ... Views: 2480
Meditation can be an enjoyable and natural part of your life. It doesn’t have to be an exotic activity with cushions, mats, postures, and strange words---unless that is your preference. It doesn’t have to come with “should’s,” “have-to’s,” or any rigid requirements that make it a chore.
What ... Views: 1031
I love writing, I love music, you love traveling, you bought latest smart phone, you fall in love, whatever we are doing, we are doing everything just to feel certain emotions. We feel wide range of emotions throughout a day, throughout our life. Or we can say we chase emotions. Certain ... Views: 1071
Meditation is the practice in which you train your mind to calm and promote relaxation. There are different types of meditation and it is important that you find one that works for you. One type of meditation is mindfulness meditation which is a unique form of meditation. It is unique because ... Views: 1146
It was a Saturday morning as we began our seven hour drive from Burlington, VT to home after dropping off our daughter for her freshman year of college and because of the weekend event I was thinking that it was extremely important to be able to create harmony within myself and my ... Views: 2547
Clarity Through Your Sixth Sense
A Sacred Moment
Opening to nature’s mysterious wisdom is a valuable way to create a sacred moment that allows the brilliance of your sixth sense to emerge.
Dedicate time to feel centered with a posture of open awareness to experience the day with a ... Views: 1518
Dance At The Edge of The Gazebo
When you’re ready to dance at the edge of the gazebo, you’ll be ready to transform into your most harmonious being! As you begin your dance, you will free yourself to harness the energy of all your gifts. They are all there within you just waiting to be ... Views: 1293
(part 3 of A Soft Place to Call Home)
Now that you have made space for your thoughts and listened to them, gently, without judgment, and without reacting, what would the next steps be? How do you develop the perspective to ... Views: 1534
(part 2 of A Soft Place to Call Home
“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky
Conscious breathing is my anchor”
Thich Nhat Hanh
In my last article, I wrote about the importance of being compassionate ... Views: 1395
The spirit of femininity is generous, graceful, nurturing, supportive, sensitive, intuitive, and oriented towards love and care. Despite all of these wonderful attributes, feminine energy, especially as it pertains to sexuality, has been suppressed, condemned, and vilified on a global scale for ... Views: 1538
Have you ever thought you saw someone standing next to you, but when you turned there was no one there? Peripherally you may have seen what appeared to be the shadow of a person. The shadow could have been very light gray to dark gray. You may even have felt their presence at the time you saw ... Views: 1583
Would you like more love and support from your friends, community and social networks? At the time of the Gemini New Moon life opens to offer you new social vistas! New soulmate-type relationship (people you vibe with and who are on your same wave length) potentials are available for you NOW! ... Views: 1942
Calm down! Don't worry! Just relax!
How irritating and un-soothing these words can be; and how many times have I heard people (guilty as charged) say this to others when they are suffering? It’s not so easy, as you probably know - to calm the waters. The other day I was in the Vitamin Barn ... Views: 1175
You can use this Butterfly Celebration Ritual to transform and realize your best self and life any time!
Though right now at the time of THE SCORPIO FULL MOON (May 14th) promises to have a tremendous force for transformation for everyone and you are probably already feeling its effects as it ... Views: 1684
Meditation is vital for increased peace of mind and even enhanced physical health; we offer a meditation checklist below to help you finally reap all the benefits from deep meditation.
Twenty-five years ago, meditation was still viewed by almost everyone as something only practiced by ... Views: 1360
With each new day, life is full of all kinds of new possibilities. With each breath taken, it brings new life for that moment. During hard times and struggle, it brings about a new strength and understanding.
Love and happiness are easy to attain for some. As in love, there are many types ... Views: 1516
25° Libra Full Moon
Total Lunar Eclipse
April 15, 2014 :42am PT
Void of Course
TIME ZONE CONVERTER: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
As the Libra Full Moon goes void of course exactly at the Full Moon the best time for your full moon healing ceremony ... Views: 1909
Part 1 of this article demonstrated the many ways in which soldiers benefit from practicing meditation, especially those who are affected by mental illnesses like PTSD as well as traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). This article actually teaches veterans how to meditate.
The U.S. Department of ... Views: 1215
Meditation has been a holistic practice for thousands of years, one that helps practitioners relax and reconnect with their inner selves. Meditation also allows for people to stay centered in the present moment, which can become an invaluable tool for veterans who are haunted with the memories ... Views: 1375
Shift to a New You Instantly with the Inner Warrior Meditation (see below)!
The myth of the Warrior shows you haw to overcome human frailty, fears, frustrations and indecision through inner courage.
The Warrior Motto: “I’m willing to do whatever it takes to succeed on my quest!” Are ... Views: 1802
10º Aries New Moon
March 30, 11:48am PT
The 10º (number of creativity and instant manifestation) Aries New Moon is packed with powerful punch for major breakthroughs and initiating a whole new creative cycle in your life.
Aries is ... Views: 1694
Many people are either ignorant of meditation or have wrong notions about it. Many imposters have taken advantage of the ignorance of people to exploit them. On the name of meditation, many ugly things have taken place, therefore fear is normal. But sincere seekers do not rest content with ... Views: 1178
Praying is asking for help, and meditation is the act of receiving. Some people get so concerned about procedure when they hear the word meditation that they never actually meditate. They have this worry that they have to sit in a particular position for an extended period of time. It does not ... Views: 1113
To sit in silence is to relax and just breathe. No time constraints, no rubbish to listen to. You feel your own heartbeat thumping. You feel your diaphragm contract and expand with every breath you take. You clear your mind of all things. Relax and let your mind go.
You walk outside, the ... Views: 1800
Mystics from all ages have talked about spiritual practice as a doorway to greater experience; a doorway that leads us to a deeper understanding of the unseen. Yet, for most of us, the idea of spiritual practice just feels like adding another burden to our already busy lives. We don't have a ... Views: 1299
Meditation To and From Your Heart Path
By now, all who have been on a Spiritual path can probably say that they’ve been there and done that in one way or another. We’ve all heard so much about the beneficial effects of meditation; yet in truth what is it that these are meant to mean for us? ... Views: 1382
Listening to what lies behind the thought process can be quite helpful in understanding ourselves beyond the verbal explanations. Certain periods in our daily routine are conducive to that listening. It is good to pay attention to those times of inner silence.
The Conditioned Mind
True ... Views: 1824
To sit in silence is to relax and just breathe. No time constraints, no rubbish to listen to. You feel your own heartbeat thumping. You feel your diaphragm contract and expand with every breath you take. You clear your mind of all things. Relax and let your mind go.
You walk outside, the ... Views: 1456
Relax, Don’t Be Anxious About Your Anxiety
Anxiety may be caused by a number of factors. It may be due to a situation specific stimulus or it may present as a characteristic trait that endures over time. This is an important distinction in terms of tailoring treatment approaches that will ... Views: 1613
Practical Mysticism - what is it? Many use the word mysticism (some may even say abused) to define their practice in metaphysical and psychic work, but what is it really.
Mysticsim is discovering your ultimate self reality. Self reality is the relationship of masculine/feminine energy, the ... Views: 1861
It seems that the truth about meditation is absolutely shrouded in mystery, based on the feedback we typically get from everyday acquaintances upon mentioning that we meditate regularly.
You would think the truth about meditation has to do with flighty cosmonauts wasting time chasing ... Views: 1155
The development of view is central to Dzogchen meditation. Therefore, a point of clarification necessary to understand Dzogchen is this. View and viewpoints, while somewhat related, are not exactly the same.
What do I mean by that?
First of all, a viewpoint (or point of view) generally has ... Views: 1493
The goal of Dzogchen meditation is to discover the mind’s true essence, its natural state. This essence is traditionally described with words like spacious, open, clear, luminous, and aware. It is nondual.
Nonduality is the natural power of the mind to not get preoccupied with making ... Views: 2869
Manifestation is the results of your thoughts.
Sounds simple if you are already a manifestation student but do you really believe it and live by it. What we focus on expands, so what are you manifesting? Why not stop and think about it, what you are manifesting right now. How do you feel ... Views: 1643
The meaning of Eastern in this article derives from a combination of the original teachings of the Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Sufism, and others as understood by me but does not mean to imply that all people in the east are this way, just the teachings. The western way is traditional ... Views: 2188
Present moment awareness is being present with your own consciousness, in the living moment called now. Not ‘a second ago’, or ‘in a second’. Now. You are alive, and you acknowledge that. You are breathing, and you acknowledge that. You are aware of yourself right now without the distraction ... Views: 994
Tips to Meditate
Choose your purpose to meditate. You have different person from another to meditate so don’t judge yourself. It might be just to get rid of your inner chatter, may be to see your real self or some other reason. Ask yourself that why do want to meditate
Don’t force yourself ... Views: 1217
It’s an overcast, blustery morning on the shores of Lake Chautauqua. The sun has just risen and is trying hard to break through the clouds. I’m the first to arrive this morning out on the point of the bell tower peninsula. I want to claim my special spot under a particular willow tree right ... Views: 1336
Practice meditation daily for it is a powerful tool and the first step to the conscious awareness of our Divine self. As we reach the place inside of inner peace we access our own Divine wisdom.
When we practice meditation daily we focus the mind on the breath. Then we are able to feel our ... Views: 1781
Our usual way of being is to live in accordance with the rules and regulations set down by others. To play other people's games. They tell us what is right and what is wrong, and most importantly, how we should behave. This is simply conditioning by our parents, our educational system and ... Views: 1345
One of the principle teachings of Buddha is the noble eight fold path that can help person reach enlightenment. Mindfulness (Sati in Pali) is one of the aspects of the path (“Right Mindfulness”). It is also one of the seven factors of enlightenment. Hence, it is by following the Buddhist ... Views: 1382
10 Ways to BE MORE YOU:
Living creatively is about learning to enjoy your life and letting go of harmful stress. Easier said than done, of course, but like any other worthwhile endeavor, it takes practice and more practice. In fact as often as you can manage.
1. Have you worked out your ... Views: 1595
Meditation or dhyan is a key part of Hindu life. Old sages and rishis used to exercise meditation for years. Deep meditation enabled them to accomplish the toughest task kin life. By dint rigorous meditation in adverse climate, the sages often could satisfy the Gods and got boons from ... Views: 1116
The Secret To Losing Weight and Relieving Stress.
(Take the 7-Day Balance Challenge at the end of this article)
It All Starts With You!
We all know what to do and how to do it. Now, implementation is another thing. Question: if you knew you would win $1 million for exercising, eating ... Views: 1196
Many people express a desire to learn how to meditate, without really understanding what meditation involves or what the process of learning it means in the context of a lifelong journey.
This can be true of many areas of life, but especially true of meditation. This is in part because it is ... Views: 1369