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“Tomorrow’s victory is today’s practice.” ~ Chris Bradford. The Way of the Warrior
Of all the things I’ve done to grow myself and evolve myself, having a daily practice has been the most significant.
For years, I’d wanted to do some sort of ‘practice’ every day, some meditation, perhaps ... Views: 904
Here are three more meditation tips to help you to get more from your meditation practice.
Meditation Tips No. 4: Instant Enlightenment
Good teachers are incredibly useful to you, especially when starting out with your meditation practice. Thereafter, they become guides who help to keep you ... Views: 1254
The Shaman Within
Take a deep breath in through your nose all the air you possibly can, exhale through the mouth pushing out all the air you can til there is no more in the tank.
Slow yourself down. Stop the mind chatter. Enjoy the energies around you experience unity and connectedness ... Views: 1640
Meditation Tips No. 1: Time & Habits
When meditation was imported into the West, the myth of the 20 minute meditation was borne. This short amount of time made the task of selling meditation easier, and it formed a part of the packaging which encouraged Western people to try it.
In fact, ... Views: 1211
Innocence is what we get when we lose all we have been told we have to do or be. Innocence is the charm that holds love's grace. Innocence is the unvarnished clarity we seek when we strip away what others think of us. I could go on and on, but I want to know what you think of innocence. I want ... Views: 2627
Meditation Tips: Sort Out Your Seating
Meditation is a very effective method of stress reduction and it promotes physical, mental and emotional health and well-being. Since the majority of people meditate while they are seated it's important that you get it right.
Why? Well by learning to ... Views: 1107
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself:
How did all living things start to be here on this Earth?
Of what exact origin is the Heavens and the Earth and the Sun and the Moon and the Stars?
Did Humans and every Earthling thing get here by Sudden, by Creation, or by Evolution?
Why do we even ... Views: 964
When People tell me that they meditate for hours. I have a difficult time believing them. I’ve been meditating for almost ten years, and I can’t sit still for more than twenty-minutes. My legs start to get rigid. My back begins to hurt. My fingers start fidgeting. I start to lose ... Views: 1261
I know a great deal of people who are Buddhist. I used to know a whole bunch of Christians but since I had a change of fate, they decided to disown me. It is just as well, I managed to find some acceptance under the practice of Ifa, but there are still some burning questions that I need ... Views: 1366
This is part 4 of an 8 part blog series titled, “Become the Person Who Can Move Mountains.” This blog is about Patience. Other blogs to follow in this series are: Visualization, Knowledge, Patience, Understanding, Giving Back, Love, and Faith & Fear.
We all possess important qualities ... Views: 1620
I am Lady Nada. With the rays of my energy, with my love that I feel for you I have been chosen to bring the messages of the high vibration to you and to the collective of the energies today. I greet you with the words OMAR TA SATT.
It is both a great honor and joy for Lady Nada to bring ... Views: 1341
In today’s fast paced world, many people have lost the ability to relax and unwind, and this is where meditation can be beneficial. Guided Meditation in particular is an easy step for beginners to meditation or when you have an overactive mind. By listening to a guide, it becomes easy to learn ... Views: 797
To Heal or Not to Heal? That is the question. Well, it is a question anyway.
It is not a question you may have pondered too much, and if you have, given the choice of experiencing healing or to not experience healing. Then I think most of us, if not all of us, would tick the 'be healed' ... Views: 1237
Sadly, the world is in a hurry and life is passing us by. If we could only eliminate ten of the items on our 20-item “to-do” lists, we could perhaps find ourselves on a path to some balance, clarity, and peace. Though many are told to rid their lives of unnecessary “things” and slow down the ... Views: 1289
I love my life journey. I continually strive to expand my life and be of service to others. The mental block walls I run into are limiting beliefs I have about myself. These beliefs erode my confidence and they can also make me feel I am less than a woman than I am.
I know intellectually ... Views: 1149
We have all experienced that terrible struggle of trying to fall asleep at a decent time, only to toss and turn and let our racing minds consume our night. You try to focus on relaxing, but before you know it you are reliving something that happened that day, or you are worrying about something ... Views: 1928
Yoga benefits for women come in a long list. Although most of us may thing that most people wish to learn how to meditate and do yoga in order to lose weight, there is far more than just looking physically good that this ancient practice has to offer. Perhaps in this time, most of think of yoga ... Views: 865
Those of you who are new, Welcome. To those of you who have been with me and have had little windows into this journey of vastness, thank you for your love, support, and kind posts. My house is alive with flowers mostly from a dear friend who decided that the holy days were going to come to ... Views: 1152
If you are anything like me, you are always trying to find ways to take a five minute breather… to meditate and to practice mindfulness. When I meditate, you will rarely see me sitting on a cushion, legs crossed, palms up… instead, I draw inward and practice mindfulness ... Views: 1359
* Kryon: The Date 21.12.2012 / Changes in the Year 2013
* Jesus Christ: Everything You Do, You Do for Me
I am Kryon. Kryon, your brother, companion and friend. I greet you with the magnetic love energy, with the words OMAR TA SATT. I greet each and every one. I greet the collective. And I ... Views: 2405
* Maris: About the Work of the Arcturians on Earth
* Jesus Christ: Transmission of the Energy of Jesus
OMAR TA SATT my dearest human friends. What an honor to give you the messages through Sangitar. You are my friends. We, the Arcturians, feel deeply connected with the human beings. I am ... Views: 997
Article Insight On Meditation
Student -
Can the state of meditation be reached only through the practice of Raja Yoga, while sitting down in an erect posture? Can it also be experienced through the practice of the different systems of Yoga, such as Hatha or Nada Yoga, while doing Asana, ... Views: 859
The art of chakra healing has been used for centuries to balance important energy centers in our body called chakras. We can use a number of different tools such as stones or meditation during chakra balancing. The end result will be a physically healthier body and a happier, more peaceful ... Views: 1142
All about lucid dreaming and how to lucid dream, dream control and learning how to understand your dream meanings by being aware of your subconscious mind in dreams. Improve your waking life by learning in your sleep.
Lucid dreaming is one of my personal favorite topics to discuss, and ... Views: 2278
For decades now nonprofit organizations, medical associations and committees have been trying to restore the truth about cannabis and its effects on human health.
Known as marijuana or weed, the dried flowers of cannabis contain Tetrahydrocannabinol, which is a psychoactive constituent that ... Views: 1217
Coffee isn’t only something we can gulp down in the morning; it can enrich us spiritually and emotionally. Here are five ways that a cup of joe can provide us with motivation, happiness, and even a touch of enlightenment:
1. Mindfulness in a mug. Mindfullness is a laser focus on what ... Views: 2005
Meditation serves as both preventive and curative measures for stress, but beginners find it especially difficult to get it right. Due to the lack of a calm mind and unwavering focus, 80% people quit meditating within the first week itself.
To simplify the process of meditation, here is a ... Views: 1204
Many people don't know exactly what meditation is and so doing it seems impossible. Images of people sitting cross-legged and humming may come to mind, but does daily meditation actually have to be like that? Meditation can be a wonderful way to bring balance, calmness and peace to your day. ... Views: 974
Are you tired from all the running around you do each day? Have you been going and going and going? When was the last time you made love with your partner (or yourself?) I'm going to teach you THE most valuable tool for handling the every day stress. Ready? STOP.
What?? (Yep, you read ... Views: 2845
The in vogue nature of solar contact for increasing good health, increasing bodily and mental strength and therapy for Prana Energy intensification and soul uplifting is as ancient as human birth. In virtually all religions of the world at some time or the other a widespread popularity of solar ... Views: 1600
If you are residing in the London area, you will be able to find several meditation courses UK. These meditation classes London are what people need if they are looking for classes that will teach how to meditate for beginners. Often times, we hear about yoga benefits for women and men and even ... Views: 825
Just as the flame is a symbol of wisdom, national flag that of patriotism and image that of deity similarly the sun which renders the sky brilliant ceaselessly is looked upon as the symbol of radiant God and Savita. While chanting the Gayatri Mantra Savita deity is meditated upon. Savita is the ... Views: 1323
Life can get so busy and hectic at times. There is always so much to do with work, kids, chores, cooking, appointments, and errands to run. Some days you probably feel so exhausted and dream of running off on a two week vacation but then reality kicks in and your dream vanishes.
Stress is a ... Views: 1056
The sole purpose of human existence is to be in peace and feel contended. But in today’s stressful life, there is not time to introspect and no time for spiritual reflection. We have become a slave to our lavish way’s of living and are gradually forgetting the basic purpose of your life’s. These ... Views: 663
Coaching is a process of identifying and removing obstacles in your life which prevent you from being what you want to be.
If you are wondering whether coaching is for you, then start by answering the five key questions below:
1) Are you looking to make changes?
2) Are you ready to take ... Views: 845
Life is a Yajna. Life also has a priest, demi-god and other paraphernalia. Scriptural scholars have correlated all this. While giving a special description of Kundalini Yajna the Mundakopanishad says (2/1/9) :
Great souls have emerged from it. The 7 flames of fire are emitted from ... Views: 1626
In present contemporary times the world is going through a phase of dire destruction. On it is looming large both natural and human oriented dire situations. Dangers like erratic seasonal changes, earthquakes, flooding due to excess rains, famine ... Views: 2513
I want to draw your attention to a very basic question in life. Are you happy? Are you contended with what you have? If not, then perhaps you are reading the right article. The most basic thing in our life is to be happy and experience joy. But are we experiencing it? I know the answer will be a ... Views: 774
In the first few months of pregnancy, I crashed on the couch by 7 pm many nights. I used to be called “the energizer bunny”— I could work, cook, exercise, socialize, do chores, and sing and dance from morning until night. But suddenly, so much of that energy was needed to literally build a body ... Views: 860
Meditation is a great tool to combat stress and help you feel happier and more at ease. But many people don’t know how to start to incorporate meditation into their busy lives. Meditation can make coping with daily stressors easier and give you the often much needed power to “let go” of ... Views: 1014
In spiritual science one finds discussion in so many places regarding spiritual practice based on divine light and a yearning too for this light. This light is certainly not related to bulbs, tube lights, sunshine, moon shine etc but that it is a supreme light which by becoming an aura of ... Views: 1733
Everyone is aware of some aspects of what is meditation even though they are not aware of or have no enthusiasm to understand. Nevertheless, a high percentage of the world populace now has a new interest in meditation because they need a result-oriented method to end their depression and stress ... Views: 6930
I used to get these types of clients a lot more often. They`d say, I`m fine; it`s just my husband/ mother/ son who has a problem. Can you fix them?
Most of the time I`d laugh (inside anyway) and let these clients know that I`d focus on them first, and help them through the challenges they ... Views: 973
Meditation was once visualized as an Eastern tradition where the person sits in a circle surrounded by candles and saying mantras or humming. Currently, meditation and its benefits are recognized and are far from what we had in mind before. Aside from the calming effect that it could bring, ... Views: 1678
Life should be enjoyable and happy; however, when your life begins to feel unhappy and out of control, you can turn things around with a few simple hints that will help you to take control again and reduce stress and anxiety.
If your diet has too much red meat in it, ... Views: 1501
Once in elementary school, I peed in my pants in the middle of class. We were taking a timed test and I was afraid I’d fail the test if I asked to get up to go the bathroom. So, I tried to wait until it was over, but I didn`t make it!
Some kids in the class saw the puddle on the floor and ... Views: 3930
The latest in the meditation practitioner’s world is all abuzz with stories about the “healing power of sounds” also know as “sound healing”. Sound healing has been around for a long time but now only recently has started to be used and recognized as a legitimate therapy practice, from simple ... Views: 1417
The Meditation techniques should be varied in accordance with personal traits. Nevertheless, basic techniques help everyone to train in meditation. First thing is to find a quiet place since noises can disturb one’s deep meditation. Even though many instruct to sit in a lotus position like ... Views: 1014
I remember over a decade ago when I was in “psychic school”. My friends thought it was so glamorous but I wasn’t really learning any new skills. Instead I would tell them, “It’s like I’m in therapy.”
Every time I would read another person’s energy, I had to face myself. If I wasn’t willing to ... Views: 1201
As our spirit awakens throughout our life, we begin to realize that there is something ‘beyond’ our normal humanness that is influencing and guiding our lives. We can deny it, but somehow it keeps revealing its presence to us in many ways. As we begin to accept that we have spiritual guidance in ... Views: 1286