You want to move out of the city, out of the usual rat race and American lifestyle and mind-set. You are tired of dealing with the pollution and the systems of the socialized society which I call "The Matrix." You have grown yourself into this vision of an intentional community where people are ... Views: 1822
I have addressed the issue of how parents and society teach us anger, judgment, criticalness and punishment. But one’s next question might be, but then why did people go into judgment, manipulation and control in the first place? Parents teach it to their kids, then their kids become parents and ... Views: 1032
I have addressed the issue of how parents and society teach us anger, judgment, criticalness and punishment. But one’s next question might be, but then why did people go into judgment, manipulation and control in the first place? Parents teach it to their kids, then their kids become parents and ... Views: 1137
The majority of people on the planet have had some sort of problem with anger and with people doing things that make them feel angry. People have looked at and dealt with anger in a variety of ways. I want to speak about anger today and what I have learned about it over the years. For a few ... Views: 1349
Psychic ability is God’s gift to us. It is a sixth sense. With it, we can see anything and everything, which basically says that we can know something without scientific proof. We then know something because we have an esp experience of it. There are many people on the planet who choose not to ... Views: 1845
One day I was watching one of those TV ads for a natural physical healing product, and I was really convinced that it would heal any type of ailment, and I wanted to buy it; but it was enormously expensive and I didn’t have the money to be able to buy it. I was having all kinds of very ... Views: 2365
I’m going to start out by talking about religions and beliefs about what I call the “dark forces.” Then later in this article I will branch out into talking about various belief systems in general and what it means to become a “free thinker.”
I used to attend churches that were Science of ... Views: 1581
This article is going to be very different than my other articles so far. It isn’t about ascension, per se, but I feel it needs to be said because it’s an important subject, even if it is on a lower level of experience and awareness.
I used to work as a psychic. People would come to me and ... Views: 1494
Eating habits are the biggest challenge on this planet at this time. Eating foods that are not healthy for you has tremendous negative consequences. These foods drain your energy, lower your light quotient, keep you in semi-depressed states in spite of all of your enlightenment, and cause ... Views: 5038
First, let's just start with a review of what the matrix is and why you are still in it.
If your outer world isn’t what you’d like it to be, that means you are still in the matrix. The matrix is a set of beliefs that you were taught by your society and outer world ... Views: 1339
I’ve always wanted to help the poor, at least ever since my high school days back in the sixties. Many years later, after having gone through several other careers, I got back into my dreams of doing social work and landed a good job in this field. For quite a while, I was very happy with this ... Views: 1045
Although we are awake living our life, we are not always “awake” in terms of being totally aware of what really is as opposed to what we think really is. Everyone on earth is asleep to some extent; that is, they have illusions about themselves, people, life, and situations…even ascended masters ... Views: 3466
To get out of the matrix, you must let go of every untruth that you have been taught or that you assumed. How does one know the truth? Is it all in the Christian’s Bible? Christians would say yes, and that the Bible is all that you need to know. I have been all around and back again, in and out ... Views: 1532
Why does God allow dark forces to exist and cause us trouble? Because without dark forces, there would be no growth, no building up of our strength, our courage, and our truth. We have to have something to test our faith, strengthen our faith, and keep moving us forward.
Okay, here’s the ... Views: 1408
I recommend channeling Jesus. But first, let me define what I mean by “channeling.” I am not referring to spirits taking over your body and vocal chords to impart helping suggestions for you and your life. This can be very dangerous and you don’t really know for sure how evolved this spirit is. ... Views: 2111
Ascension & Leaving the Matrix, Part 4
Well, this is another long article, but it is a stream and I feel I cannot shorten it. My subsequent articles will be a lot shorter. I am hoping that you are so interested in what I am saying that you won’t be able to stop reading this and you won’t ... Views: 1307
This is Part 3 in my series of articles on leaving the matrix. For those of you who don’t know what I mean when I say “matrix,” I am referring to the sets of beliefs that most people have been functioning within in our culture here in the United States. This set of beliefs is also worldwide, in ... Views: 1274
If you don’t like the way the world is or how your country is, your first question would be, well, can I play a part in changing it for the better? If you find that the answer to that question is no, then your next question is, then shall I stay involved in this world the way it is, and do I ... Views: 1426
If you find yourself alone, bored and empty inside during the holidays, then ask God to help you to find your people, your place, your focus and activities. If you are alone, that means that the people surrounding you where you are are not the right friends for you and you have chosen to not ... Views: 1501
Everything is cause and effect. What you do comes back to you. If you are loving, giving, forgiving and kind, then that comes back to you as people doing that for you. If you care about the poor and wish you could help them get back on their feet, then if you are ever poor, there will be those ... Views: 1991