How many times have you found yourself feeling bad as soon as you woke up?
How many times have went to your bed feeling good then woke up feeling bad?
This article won't tell you to change the tone of your alarm clock nor it will tell you to think positively while in bed but it will direct ... Views: 3802
Introduction to Persistence
My workout at gym class yesterday was nothing special; I went there at 4 just like I'm used to, and came back at 6 as I do every time. I pumped weights and did everything like I do every time. The only different thing about yesterday's gym class was that my leg was ... Views: 1742
Warren Buffet
Ever heard the name Warren Buffet?
If you have any interest in finance, economics, investments, entrepreneurship, successful business men, accounting or business then you've probably heard of the man; he is after all the richest man in the world, with a net worth of about $62 ... Views: 2897
Fear of losing control
Oh my God
What will i do
I never expected that to happen
I don't know what to do
I am sure that these phrases sound similar, these are the typical phrases that a person uses when you finds that he has lost control.Some people have persistent fear of losing control ... Views: 3494
What Are Ego Defense Mechanisms?
When you accidentally injure yourself, your body automatically begins several self healing processes, aiming to restore your body to its original healthy state. But what if you're emotionally hurt? What if you face a sudden shock or a tremendous amount of ... Views: 2621
Programming the subconscious mind
Programming the subconscious mind is not a hard task, you just need to make the conscious mind go to sleep or at least inactive, through hypnosis for example, or any other method. It's then that you can send your suggestions directly to the subconscious mind ... Views: 6988
how to impress people?
Do you think its hard to impress someone?
Do you think it’s hard to make someone admire you?
In fact it’s not hard at all. I know what’s going on in your mind right now, I am sure you are telling yourself, “if it was that easy then why do some ... Views: 1990
Feeling Sad
So you are feeling Sad. I know how it feels like, it feels like there is something hurting you but you are not aware of it, It feels like you are neither happy nor satisfied. But why do we feel sad? Are these sad feelings nothing more than a part of the usual cycle of mood ... Views: 5792
The Power of Psychology
The Clothes that you wear, the way you walk, your face features, your body language, your tone of voice, Your doodles,your hobbies and the music that you prefer can reveal a lot about your personality. After studying psychology for years I discovered how naked do ... Views: 6035
When couples are separated geographically by a big distance it's said that they are having a long distance relationship. There is a common belief that long distance relationships don't work and while I am not completely against that belief, still I am not completely with it. The aim of this ... Views: 1506
Why doesn't diet always work?
Why do people start diets yet fail to lose weight?
And why do people give up before having the ideal body shape they are after?
There are lots of reasons behind the failure of any diet, below are some of them:
* People reach a state where they cant take it ... Views: 1017
When the passion fades away from a relationship some people mistakenly think that they fell out of love and this happens because of the false ideas that the media fed those people with about love. Healthy relationships are the ones who move on from the passionate stage to the compassionate stage ... Views: 1878
Why did they hurt me?
How many times have you felt that someone did hurt you on intention?
How many sleepless nights have you spent because of the feeling of being hurt?
Have you ever tried to know whether people really intended to hurt you or whether its jut your lack of understanding of the ... Views: 13672
Good boy
Lots of parents mistakenly try to control their children’s behavior using the "Good boy approach". If the child did what was asked from him he becomes a super hero and a good boy and if he did something else the controlling parent responds with anger, threatening or with the ... Views: 1106
He is everything to me, life without him is pointless
I want nothing except being beside him
But now he is gone and my life is meaningless
Desperate Girl
The problem with making someone everything in your life is that when you lose him you will find yourself having nothing. One of the ... Views: 878
Losing interest in a relationship
He fell in love with her at the first sight
He kept trying and trying until one day he knew that she felt the same for him
He couldn’t believe himself and felt so happy
Then few days later he lost his enthusiasm
He started to wonder if she was really ... Views: 6877
Why do some people hate their jobs?
Why do we sometimes hate to do a certain task?
Why do we sometimes hate to travel by car and prefer the train?
Why do we hate doing certain things?
This article will provide the with answers to all of these questions in addition to giving you the reason ... Views: 916
Success Momentum
I want you now to decide that you are going to clean up your room, but instead of doing all the work today just decide that you will put only 5 items in place each day. What you will notice is that, as soon as you put the fifth item in place you will find yourself eager to put ... Views: 822
How many times have you heard someone say “because everybody is doing it” when you ask him/her a certain question?
It’s the most popular answer among teenagers; their excuse in doing something is that everyone is doing it and so it can't be wrong, right?
Are They ... Views: 1255
Skill and the Shoelace
Have you ever paid attention to what you do during the process of tying a shoelace? If you haven’t, then go try it now and see what you notice.
What you will notice is that it is a complex process requiring harmony in your hand movements and interaction between ... Views: 770
Were you dumped by your girlfriend/boyfriend? Asked someone out but was turned down? Told someone that you love him/her and the answer was "although you are an interesting person, you're just not the one for me"?
Self-confidence and Being Dumped
What most people do when they are dumped is ... Views: 1055
Relationships Addiction
Suppose that you got used to drink three cans of coke each day, what will happen if one day you suddenly stopped drinking coke? Most likely you will feel that there is something missing and most likely you will be eager to drink your daily coke.
That happened because ... Views: 1314
Have you been Criticised?
Did someone criticise you?
Was he a close person?
Do you feel bad about yourself?
If I were you..... I would have not felt bad, simply because the person who criticized you is the one who is in need of help.
Why Are Some People So Critical?
A normal Human ... Views: 24864
Its Calling You
Help me…
I am in pain…
I am dying in here…
I can’t handle it anymore…
Do anything……you are the only one who can….
It’s crying and calling you for help. But why you?
Because you are the only one who can help, because these ... Views: 1190
Over sensitivity
Some people are more sensitive to criticism and to being mistreated than others. Emotional sensitivity is a very common trait but it always remains one of the private secrets that the person never tells anybody about, and as a result those sensitive people are usually hurt by ... Views: 13920
Why Do We Fall In Love?
you were walking down the street ,nothing was unusual and then suddenly she came out from a nearby shop and it happened that you fell in love with her at the first sight,Huhh!! what happened ??
the answer is simple, its all related to how your mind works.if you are ... Views: 1053
I Can Never Forget About Him
I can never forget about him…
He was the only one I ever loved that much…
I will never love someone else as I loved him…
I can never imagine myself being with someone else…
Do these phrases sound familiar? Have you been in that ... Views: 1121
Goals that weren’t Achieved
It feels real bad when you open your drawer and find lots of papers that carry your old unmet goals that you forgot about them. Sometimes an unmet goal can even depress you if it was concerning something very important to you. With every goal you set and fail ... Views: 910
Subconscious Wounds
Everyone doesn’t like his company because of his sarcastic way in expressing his opinion. Everybody avoids him not to get a burst of his anger or to get hurt by his words. This is the opinion people have about him, that he is someone that they should avoid.
But when ... Views: 1019
I Am not Motivated Because I Can’t
A friend of mine told me once that he could never quit smoking because cigarettes were in his blood (he didn’t mean nicotine, just that he was deeply dependant on cigarettes and could not imagine living without them). If that’s the same way ... Views: 915
He is depressed since years but he doesn’t know the reason behind it, sometimes he finds himself sad without knowing why and sometimes his mood swings with no apparent reason. He is not that successful or that happy and he blames the government and luck for it.
But there is an ... Views: 838
Can we Go there?
An experiment was done by some researchers; they brought some yellow and red fish then placed them in a rectangular fish bowl. The fish bowl was divided into two parts by a vertical rectangular glass plate so that the red fish could not mix with yellow ones. The fish were left ... Views: 784
Identity Loss
Brad is a very happy and successful person; he has a big salary, his wife loves him, and he has accomplished most of what he set out to achieve in life. Everything in Brad’s life was perfect and this was reflected in the way he walks and talks and in his generally confident ... Views: 12419
Everything Reminds Me of Him
I can never forget about him. No one was as cheerful or as understanding as he was. The places that I go to, the songs that I listen to, and even when I look at my face in the mirror, I remember him… I guess it’s my destiny to live in such pain; I don't ... Views: 4681
You Can Easily Know If he/she Loves you
It usually takes me less than 30 minutes on the first meeting with someone to know wether he is in love with someone else or not.
This is not marketing Hype because after reading Part One and part two (which you are currently reading) of this series ... Views: 9502
You Are not Your Emotions
Does your self confidence decrease when you feel lonely or depressed?
Do you feel that you are worthless when in a bad mood?
If your answers were yes, then your problem is considering that you are your emotions.
Self-confidence and Emotions
The main element ... Views: 868
Myths About Making Someone Love You
Do you think that love is just an uncontrollable random process?
Do you think that if the person you loved didn’t love you back then nothing can be done about it?
Do you think that you can't make someone fall in love with you?
The Truth About ... Views: 8892
are you haunted by a bad habit?
Do you have a habit that has been haunting you since years?
Do you suffer from an inner self conflict, because you were unable to quit that habit?
Do you feel pain each time you repeat doing that habit again?
Have you tried every possible method to quit ... Views: 1236
Does Love at First Sight Exist?
Before exploring outer space, people used to think that the earth was flat and that you could fall off the edge if you ever went that far. The same goes for everything else that we don’t understand. People usually try to associate all that is unknown to ... Views: 1859
Are you Wounded?
Have you ever tried to put some water on a fresh wound? If you have, you must have felt some pain. Water, which can never harm you if you were not injured, has just made you feel some pain when it touched your wound, simply because when we develop a wound we tend to become over ... Views: 6142
Are You Feeling Down?
Are you feeling down? Do you want to get over this bad mood? If you want to get rid of something, you should first understand it. Most people experience bad moods without even knowing why. They just tend to relate these feelings to the first thing they find in their way, ... Views: 2373
Love or Need?
Suppose that you broke a leg in some kind of accident and had to use crutches in order to move around; as the days pass, you'll find yourself getting more and more used to them. In your current state of injury, you certainly can't walk without them, so imagine how you'd feel if ... Views: 1474
Do you want to know if she likes you?
Are you unsure if he is interested in you?
For most people, the answers to these questions is a definite yes, and so here are some of the signals that show whether the other person was intending to flirt with you or not.
* Playing with her hair : This ... Views: 1485
Impression Management
Do your friends think that you are boring?
Are you wondering why don’t people like you?
Do you think that are always misunderstood?
If your answers were yes then most probably you have just left the incorrect impression but you are not bad at all. Impression ... Views: 1478
I am not like them
Poor Joe, he is not as handsome as movie stars nor does he have a bigger car than his friends, he is not that rich nor he is that intelligent as his college mates, why should Joe feel confident then? He must be feeling inferior to everyone.
Is that true? Of course it is ... Views: 5865
Different Emotions and Lack of Self-confidence
How did it feel the last time you were criticized, rejected or dumped?
Mostly anyone would feel bad on going through any of the previous situations. A normal reaction, one that many people have, is to do their best to find out what was wrong ... Views: 754
Face reading! Is it true?
Whatever you try to hide, is written on your face. Yes, it's true, it's not some kind of magic, it has always been there, but you are the one who did lack the required knowledge. Statistical studies showed that there is a strong connection between face features and ... Views: 9567
Myths About Making Someone Love You
Do you think that love is just an uncontrollable random process?
Do you think that if the person you loved didn’t love you back then nothing can be done about it?
Do you think that you can't make someone fall in love with you?
The Truth About Making ... Views: 45466
I Can Never Forget About Him
I can never forget about him…
He was the only one I ever loved that much…
I will never love someone else as I loved him…
I can never imagine myself being with someone else…
Do these phrases sound familiar? Have you been in that situation ... Views: 1676
I can read your emotions, just like a book
Strange title right?
Well it's not a title; it’s what you would proudly say after learning how to read body language. Do you know that each emotional state that we experience has an associated gesture that accompanies it?
Whether this state ... Views: 2956